Just talking to myself

The full article is available in the following formats Click to download PDF WORD This fascinating article on the use of self-talk in people with Down syndrome takes a positive look at why self-talk is common and why…
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This fascinating article on the use of self-talk in people with Down syndrome takes a positive look at why self-talk is common and why it should be seen as a useful tool for those who use it. This important article is a must-read for understanding the different ways people manage their thoughts and emotions.

Dr Jude Opolski was inspired to research the use of self-talk for her PhD and has been involved with Down Syndrome SA since the birth of her son Rohan and served on the board of Down Syndrome Australia for two years.

“Of course, occasional audible self-talk is quite common in people of all ages: we mutter to ourselves about tasks that challenge us; consider the pros and cons of decisions; commentate our actions; or swear when we hurt ourselves. Whether we have Down syndrome or not, self-talk can aid our thought processes, task completion, and decision making in very positive ways.”

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