Going for gold

Jack Carroll is an Australian Powerlifting champion, and has the medals to prove it. Photos by Voice Managing Editor Lisa Clarke.
Going for gold thumbnail.

Through hard work and dedication, 31-year-old Jack Carroll achieved a big goal this year: he won the 2022 Australian Powerlifting Union Special Olympic Nationals for the under 74-kilogram weight class.

Jack has been powerlifting for over a decade. From his home along the Murray River, he trains every week – not only in weights, but in martial arts, yoga and swimming when he can fit it into his busy schedule.

At the recent Nationals on the Gold Coast, Jack squatted 115 kilograms, bench-pressed 85 kilograms, and dead-lifted 145 kilograms to win his new title.

Here is how his championship day looked:

Jack has his weight checked by officials before competition.
Stretching your muscles before training means there is less of a chance of injury.
Jack gets three turns at each section of the competition to improve his result.
Doing yoga stretches in between the next event.
Jack’s mum Merrill watches closely as Jack competes.
Jack Carroll during the squat competition at the 2022 Australian Powerlifting Union Special Olympic Nationals.
Chalking hands up for better grip for the deadlift.
Jack Carroll competing in deadlift at the 2022 Australian Powerlifting Union Special Olympic Nationals.
Jack Carroll enjoying his big win at the 2022 Australian Powerlifting Union Special Olympic Nationals for the under 74kg category.
Jack’s winning gold medal.