Charlotte Bailey, Australian Capital Territory
Charlotte is 21 years old and works at ACT Down Syndrome Association and in the bistro at the Eastlake Football Club. She wanted to become an Employment Ambassador is because she likes meeting new people and learning new skills. She is also excited to help other people with Down syndrome get jobs like her.
Jessica Toster, Western Australia
Jessie works two days a week at Developmental Disability WA as an office assistant and has worked in the job for over 6 years. She says that it is really important for people with Down syndrome to have a job that they choose, so that they can get paid, and have their independent life, like everyone else.
See Jessie’s Success Story here.
Kenichi Gray, Western Australia
Ken works as a part-time employee at a Coles and as a casual employee at a Good Company Disability Services. Having a job makes him feel happy and very proud of himself, and he thinks People with Down syndrome are great workers because they work hard and are strong.
See Ken’s Success Story here.
Keziah Glenane, Victoria
Keziah is passionate about being able to provide a voice for her community. She has been working for 9 years at Harris Scarfe and says the people she works with are very nice and make her feel welcome. She would like to help people with Down syndrome to get a paid job in the community and live independently.
Kirrin Pereira, Queensland
Kirrin has worked for 6 years as a project officer. Kirrin believe that everyone should have a job so they can be more independent and do things for themselves. She wants to help people speak up about the right to have a job.
Ellen Maher, New South Wales
Ellen has worked at the Coates Hire head office for 3 years. She currently works 5 days a week.
Ellen is looking forward to assisting people with Down syndrome to experience the joy and independence that comes with having their own job.
See Ellen’s story in Voice here.
Naomi Lake, Western Australia
Naomi is a children’s author and Health Ambassador for Down Syndrome Australia. Naomi has visited schools promoting her love of books and reading. As a Health Ambassador for Down Syndrome Australia, Naomi wants to improve health outcomes for people with Down syndrome.
See Naomi’s work as a Health Ambassador here, and her work as an author in Voice here.
Eoin Gibson, Queensland
Eoin works for Coles in fresh produce and in the bakery.
Eoin believes that everyone has the right to work, including people with Down syndrome, and if we support each other then anything is possible.
Rachel Freeman, Tasmania
Rachel works at Valley Road Pharmacy as a Pharmacy Presentation Attendant.
Claire Robinson, Western Australia
Claire works as a waitress at the Abbey Beach Resort. She also runs her own business called Claire’s Pets Treats, where she makes treats for pets and sells them at the local markets.
In her role as an Ambassador Claire wants to help people with Down syndrome find good work in the community and to make companies aware that people with disabilities make great employees.
Watch Employment Ambassador Eoin Gibson at work
Make a booking with our Employment Ambassadors
The DSA Employment Ambassadors are a group of people with Down syndrome who advocate for the benefits of hiring people with Down syndrome. They also co-facilitate our Work Readiness Program and support people with Down syndrome get jobs in open employment.
Contact us to engage with one of the Employment Ambassadors.