Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities thumbnail.

Down Syndrome Australia and the Down Syndrome Federation are committed to making a difference in the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families.

Please contact your local State or territory Down syndrome association to express interest or find out more.

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Contact your state or territory Down syndrome association to find out more about current opportunities.


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Down Syndrome Queensland volunteers.
Visit our Volunteers page

Career Opportunities

A man and woman stand next to each other

Down Syndrome Australia and the Down Syndrome Federation work to make a difference for people with Down syndrome.

This means helping people with Down syndrome have better lives.

A man looks at something a woman is writing

Career Opportunities is when we are looking for people to come and work with us.

When there are jobs available for people to work with us, you can find them here.

A graphic shows a computer screen and the letters www.

You can find information about working with us as a volunteer on our website.

A woman talks on a telephone

You can also contact the Down syndrome association in your state or territory.