Down Syndrome WA “Supports a Life of Possibilities” providing Family Support, Advocacy, Resources & Information and Activities & Events for people with Down syndrome, their families, and to those in the community who support them.
Down Syndrome WA empowers people with Down syndrome to live a life of their choice and supports them to achieve their goals. We support and represent their aspirations, needs and goals and work to build a wider community where “all people are welcomed in an inclusive society, where their contribution is valued, and they are supported to lead a meaningful life of their choice.”
We provide meaningful resources, education, and training to families and those who support people with Down syndrome in the community.
We welcome contact from families and community, you can find all our contact details here or at the bottom of this page.
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Get in Touch
We look forward to hearing from you. DSWA has a small staff, and at times we may not be present at the office. Our phone has an answering service, we encourage you to leave a message and key staff will be notified by email of your call. We will return calls as soon as possible. We love meeting you in person, please call before you come to ensure someone is here to meet you.
Phone: 61-8 6182 3690
Email: admin@downsyndromewa.org.au
Street address: Down Syndrome WA, Cygnet Hall, 17 Hackett Drive Crawley (If you are visiting, Google Maps will recognise Cygnet Hall and bring you to our gate - please phone on arrival to have a staff member let you in the gate)
Postal address: PO Box 3179, Broadway Nedlands WA 6009
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 4:00pm (DSWA's small staff offer home and hospital visits and support members offsite in a number of ways, we may not always have a staff member onsite during these hours). Closed: Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Public holidays
Feedback, Compliments and Complaints: See our Feedback, Compliments and Complaints page for details.
You can reach our CEO at ceo@downsyndromewa.org.au
Staying up to date: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up to date with all that is happening at DSWA. Sign up for our Monthly eNews.
1 CommentComment on Facebook
I'm just trying to figure out how I will get lil too and fro before registering. And still not 100% she will stay overnight.Will keep you posted