National Submissions on Disability
July 2022
Down Syndrome Australia provided input on the draft National Disability Advocacy Framework (NDAF).
October 2020
Down Syndrome Australia made a submission to the Department of Social Services (DSS) on the development of a new National Disability Strategy (NDS).
August 2020
Down Syndrome Australia made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission on Rights and Attitudes.
February 2017
Down Syndrome Australia made a submission to the Disability Discrimination Commissioner as part of his national consultation on future priorities.
November 2016
Down Syndrome Australia made a submission to the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, regarding providing input to the inquiry on the Auditors General’s Report 18 Qualifying for the Disability Support Pension.
June 2016
Down Syndrome Australia wrote a letter to the Disability and Carers Group, Department of Social Services regarding the Review of the National Disability Advocacy Program.