
The Down Syndrome Federation provides support, information and advocacy for people with Down syndrome and their families. You can support our work and make a difference.
Donate thumbnail.

Supporting positive change for our community

We rely on donations so that we can continue to provide much needed information, services and advocacy.

As non-profit organisations, Down Syndrome Australia and its members are dedicated to supporting, informing and advocating for the needs of people with Down syndrome and their families across Australia.

Our teams work diligently to support people with Down syndrome through advocating for positive change and engaging with the community, implementing innovative programs focused on creating an inclusive future for all.

Your ongoing support enables us to continue with this important work and together, shape a future for people with Down syndrome throughout Australia.

Donate to:

Down Syndrome Australia

To support Down Syndrome Australia’s work in NSW and SA, you can donate directly to DSA at the DSA button above.

or select your local Down syndrome association

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

“Having a organisation to represent and support people with Down syndrome is important to me”

Help with Making a Donation

If you would like support with making a donation, you can contact the state or territory Down syndrome association of your choice.

You can find your state or territory association here.


For more information

Contact us at for more information about donations.

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A map of Australia with the Down syndrome logo

The Down Syndrome Federation needs money so we can do our work.

This includes donations. This is money from people who support us.

A hand points to an orange button with the word Donate

If you would like to make a donation, please click on the ‘donate’ button.

Two women talk to each other

You can choose if you want the money to go to Down Syndrome Australia or to your state or territory association.

A woman talks on a telephone

You can talk to someone about different ways of donating.

A man holds a checklist next to an information icon

We will not contact you unless you want us to.

Here is our Privacy Policy.