My name is Moya. I’m in grade three, going into grade four.
Last year we did a project with our fantastic resident writer, Caylie Jeffery. Caylie is a published author who loves to show children how to write, illustrate, edit and print their own books!
Caylie believes that our imaginations are awesome and she taught us to make up new stories from things that have happened to us already. We used our iPads instead of handwriting, and learned how to use lots of different programs to make our stories and pictures more interesting.

It was so much fun coming up with ideas for our stories. I chose my favourite story, the one I dream about every night, ‘My Holiday Home’. I had so much fun taking photos for the book and writing the story! Now I have it published and mum wants to give copies to all my family and friends. It’s so cool being a published author, maybe they’ll make a film out of my book.
My name is Moya, I am nine years old and I am an author. Oh, did I mention that I have Down syndrome?