Position Statements

Position Statements thumbnail.

Advocacy Platform

Down Syndrome Australia is often asked about its position on popular and, sometimes, controversial issues. We have a number of position statements which tell everyone what we think about some of these issues. These will be added to over time. 

With Us Not For Us: Advocacy Asks

Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s Advocacy framework:

Prenatal Testing

Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s position on prenatal testing:

Prenatal Support


Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s position on migration:

Grandson hugging his grandfather

Position Statements

Leave No One Behind thumbnail

Down Syndrome Australia wrote a paper in 2019 called ‘Leave No-one Behind’.

It is about the main problems for Australians with Down syndrome and their families.

graphic shows Parliament buildings

Down Syndrome Australia wrote it so that politicians could understand the problems.

The paper says what the government should do to fix the problems so that people with Down syndrome aren’t worse off than other people.

Cover of Position on Employment

Down Syndrome Australia also wrote some position statements about the problems.

These are papers that explain Down Syndrome Australia’s point of view.

There are position statements about prenatal testing, education, employment and migration.

A woman holds a document with the words Easy Read

You can read ‘Leave No-one Behind’ and some of the Position Statements in Easy Read.

Doctor takes a screening test from a pregnant woman

Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s position on prenatal testing.

three children reading books

Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s position on Education.

A young woman sitting at a desk next to a computer

Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s position on Employment.

A family sits together outdoors

Here is Down Syndrome Australia’s position on Migration.