Andy is 21 years old and lives with his family. With the support of NDIS funding he has a very fulfilling life. His week is made up of various activities that he chooses himself and negotiates with his support workers.
Andy’s family has set up a small business making and selling preserves at local farmer’s markets. His role includes counting and setting up the jars for sterilising, packing boxes for markets and helping pack and unpack the car and market stall.
His primary passion in life is basketball and his favourite job is volunteering at his local basketball association every Wednesday afternoon. Andy is also a player and committee member at the club. He attends all committee meetings and loves contributing to the discussion by sharing his thoughts and ideas. He also plays basketball in his mainstream club team at least once a week and loves to fill in if one of the teams are short on players. He trains on Sundays and goes to games five nights a week.
Andy is also the club ‘clash tops’ manager and is responsible for checking the game fixture online each day. If teams from the same club are going to play against each other, he works out who needs clash tops. He records the details of what top number each player has and bags them up. Then when the tops are returned, he washes them and prepares them for the next clash. These tasks are all done with the help of a support worker.