Andrew is a busy man with a wonderful sense of humour and an interest in meeting new people. He is also a member of DSA’s Down Syndrome Advisory Network.
“I do swimming three times a week and I am starting Tae Kwon Do…self-defence. I like to socialise with my family and friends by going to the movies and things like that. I go up to the bowling club for a few drinks, drinking till all hours of the morning! I also like watching cricket and the AFL and I am right into Yu-gi-oh card game. I’ve been collecting it since it first started and I’ve got about 6 books worth of cards.”
Andrew says that it is easy for him to join classes and be active in his community. At Tae Kwon Do, the teachers treat him as an equal and he feels that he can ask for help if he needs assistance.

“I live in my own flat and I have a double bed. I do my washing on the weekend and I like playing Play Station too. I like being on the computer too and I use social media. I’m on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter…all the majors. I use it to meet people and to meet girlfriends and have a relationship. I’m looking for a girlfriend at the moment because I would like to have a family one day but I haven’t really got around to thinking about it much though!”
Andrew says that being a part of DSAN is a lifetime goal for him to be a part of it. He has done lots of public speaking before and is a member of a lot of clubs. He likes being on committees and enjoys doing paperwork and computer work. He wants people to learn more about Down syndrome by hearing the things he has to say about himself.