My name is Daniel. I am 27 years old and live in my own home. I’m busy working two days a week at the Canberra National Convention Centre, volunteering for Tuggeranong Communities at Work and Hartley Life Care. I keep fit by going to the gym, dancing and ten pin bowling.
I live in a supportive and friendly environment with people who are committed to creating a neighbourly place to live. We have a wide range of community building social events which are heaps of fun.
In 2016 I started a micro-business, Danny’s Pet Pantry, handmaking biscuits for dogs and selling them at a local market.
I spend a few hours each week making the biscuits and then, one day a month my flatmate and I head out to the local markets and sell them. I really enjoy cooking the biscuits and meeting new and return customers. The other stall holders are extremely friendly and supportive. I am planning to set up a Facebook Page where I am going to ask everyone to share a photo of their dog enjoying the biscuits.
This is a picture of me preparing the biscuits in my kitchen.