Submission to the Disability Royal Commission on Education and Learning
Down Syndrome Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Royal Commission regarding Education and Learning. Our response focuses on issues relating to the experience of people with Down syndrome and responds to section 3.3 regarding education and inclusive societies.
Down Syndrome Australia contributes to the Disability Royal Commission on issues that are important to people with Down syndrome and their families.
DSA’s position is that access to inclusive education is a fundamental human right for all Australian children, with or without disability. This right is outlined in The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) (of which Australia is a signatory) and reflected in Australian law. Inclusion involves welcoming all children as equal members of an educational community and supporting their full participation within the general education system.
Read the full submission to find out more about these and other key concerns.
Submission to the Disability Royal Commission Education and Learning Issues Paper in Word
Submission to the Disability Royal Commission Education and Learning Issues Paper in PDF