Our submission on the NDIS Review

Our submission on the NDIS Review thumbnail.

Response to NDIS Review: What We Have Heard 

6 September, 2023

Down Syndrome Australia (DSA) welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. We have been actively involved in a number of areas of the NDIS Review. This report focuses on responses to the “What We Have Heard Report”

We acknowledge that the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a range of supports that promote inclusion of people with disability in Australia. DSA applauds the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the Australian Government for the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme to ensure a more positive and productive NDIS and a more inclusive society for all.

We concur with the approach taken by the Review Panel of putting people with disability at the centre of the NDIS, and restoring trust and confidence in the NDIS. Trust and confidence in the NDIS are critical for the success of the scheme and the Review Panel is encouraged not to underestimate the importance of this for the implementation of reforms that come out of the Review. Even the best reforms will fail if they are not delivered in a way which builds trust and confidence in the system. In our view, the best way to build this trust and confidence is to implement reforms in a genuine co-design process of collaboration and consultation with the disability sector and participants.

Read our NDIS Review submission here.

Submission on the NDIS Review (PDF)