DSWA Nominations in WA Disability Support Awards
We are very proud to announce that Down Syndrome WA has 3 Nominations in WA Disability Support Awards 2024.
Innovation in Service Delivery – Cassandra Hughes
For her groundbreaking work with the Down Syndrome WA Regression Disorder group. Cassandra’s unwavering dedication and spirit has transformed the landscape of support and care for individuals with Down syndrome showing signs of DSRD and their families, by creating a safe, supportive and informative group.
Excellence in Home and Family Support – Nikki Schwagermann
For her exemplary commitment to the Down syndrome Community. She has worked at DSWA for 12 years and over that time has changed hundreds of lives and supported people with DS to live better lives, build capacity and a positive future.
Excellence in Supporting Employment Outcomes – The Employment Team.
For developing and implementing bespoke courses directly for adults with Down syndrome that support their employment journey.
Our small team work extremely hard in all aspects of their jobs, and we are extremely proud that they are being acknowledged.
Congratulations to the successful nominees and good luck with the awards.
You are all winners in our eyes.