Information for families, carers and supporters about enrolment and voting for a person with an intellectual disability.
Wednesday 12 June 2024
7pm to 8:30pm (VIC)
This is an online event (Zoom).
About the event
Information for families, carers and supporters about enrolment and voting for a person with an intellectual disability.
This event is for parents, carers and people supporting someone with Down Syndrome, as well as people with Down Syndrome.
Participants will gain knowledge about:
- how to enrol
- who can vote
- supports and resources available to assist with enrolment and voting
- who can help with voting
- how to support a person with voting.
To register
To register simply click on the button below:
Alex Sencek, Democracy Ambassador at the Victorian Electoral Commission
Alex is a member of the DSV community. Her son Harry, who is 18 years old, has Down syndrome. Alex has worked as an educator in the disability community for over 30 years. For the past 6 years, she has been working at the Victorian Electoral Commission in the Education and Inclusion Team as a Democracy Ambassador. In this role, Alex delivers voter education sessions to people with disabilities, while also connecting with families, and carers about the supports available.