We want to hear from you about the NDIS and what outcomes matter to you!
About the event
We want to hear from you about the NDIS and what outcomes matter to you!
This is a paid opportunity for people aged 14-26 years with an intellectual disability to join in this workshop.
You will be paid $100 to join in and share your thoughts on the NDIS.
Down Syndrome Australia has partnered with the NDIS to deliver these workshops.
Down Syndrome Australia has partnered with the NDIS to deliver these workshops.
We will have a break for afternoon tea.
Family members and support people will be welcome to wait for the person they are supporting in the waiting area, but will not take part in the workshop itself. There will be DSA and DSV staff on hand to support participants.
Facilitated by Liz and Kylie from Down Syndrome Australia.
More information is available in easy read:
To register
To register, simply click the button below: