Health Screening Tool

This resource provides information on some of the more prevalent health conditions that people with Down syndrome may experience and the health screenings that should be made available.
Health Screening Tool thumbnail.

This resource is for use by health professionals in consultation and collaboration with people with Down syndrome, their families and carers.

This tool provides information about additional health screenings that should be available to people with Down syndrome. It has been divided into age groups according to changes in medical needs and growth milestones. It can be used as a whole or for a specific age group.

The tool is based on current Australian and international research and highlights some of the more prevalent health conditions that may be present in children and adults with Down syndrome.

The cover of the Health Check Tool
Complete Health Screening Tool (All ages)

Health tool by age groups

Download the tool for birth to 6 weeks here.

Download the tool for 1 month to 2 year olds here.

Download the tool for 1 to 5 year olds here.

Download the tool for 5 to 13 year olds here.

Download the tool for 13 to 21 year olds here.

Download the tool for adults over 21 years and older here.