
We have a range of resources for expectant parents here. You can also find information about prenatal testing.
Prenatal thumbnail.

Prenatal guides and resources

Our information guides and fact sheets can help to support expectant parents and inform the process of prenatal testing. All of our guides are available in the Resource Hub.

DSA prenatal fact sheet

Prenatal testing for Down syndrome

The Prenatal testing fact sheet contains easy-to-understand, factual and balanced information for people considering prenatal testing or if a test shows that a baby may have or does have Down syndrome.

Cover of the NIPT fact sheet

NIPT fact sheet

NIPT stands for non-invasive prenatal testing. Find out more about NIPT and about prenatal screening in this guide.

Expectant parent guide

Expectant Parent Guide

Our Guide for Expectant Parents provides balanced information about Down syndrome to expectant parents. This resource is also available in other languages.

A computer screen with the text Prenatal Screening

Prenatal Screening

This website supports health care professionals and enables prospective parents to make informed choices about screening, diagnostic testing and continuing or terminating a pregnancy.

Discussion paper on prenatal screening

This Prenatal Discussion Paper describes a survey conducted by Down Syndrome Australia to understand prenatal screening experiences.

Cover of the About Down syndrome guide

About Down syndrome

Down syndrome is the most common genetic disability. Down syndrome is not an illness or a disease. Find out more about Down syndrome in our fact sheet.

Resource Hub

You can find the full range of these and other Prenatal resources in our Resource Hub.

Baby wearing a blue hoodie crawling and smiling at the camera.
Click here to see more Prenatal resources in our Resource Hub

Get in touch with your Down syndrome association

Our associations provide balanced information about Down syndrome, answer any questions, and can connect families with other parents of a child with Down syndrome.

Call our 1300 number 1300 881 935 to connect with your local state or territory Down syndrome association.

A graphic map of Australia which shows the states and territories
Find your local state/territory association here