ACT Self Advocates
DSID supports our locals to advocate for the change that they want to see in the community.
To do this important work, we support several of our members to sit on Advisory Networks, Reference Groups and to present to target audiences. We are always on the look out for fabulous self advocates so if you are a local self advocate please contact the ACT office!

ACT Employment Ambassador
Charlotte Bailey
Charlotte began work with ACTDSA in March 2020. She enjoys singing and dancing and writing songs. Charlotte loves to spend time with my friends going to the shops and hanging out together. She started netball this year and is looking forward to playing in a team with her sister, Imogen. She likes keeping fit and goes to the gym as much as she can.
Charlotte is a passionate advocate for open employment for people with disability and has spoken to the United Nations. In 2022 she was awarded a Commendation for the Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Award and was the winner for the ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Award – Emerging Young Leader.

ACT Health Ambassador
Kimberley Adams
Kimberley is a caring and friendly lady who is strongly determined and continually strives to achieve her goal of living independently. Kimberley has represented Canberra in the Special Olympics National Games in swimming and has won Gold, Silver, and Bronze. She also completed several life skills and other courses at T.A.F.E. and produced a CD of piano duets with her music teacher.
Kimberley is passionate about drama, and enjoys dancing, writing stories and watching movies. Kimberley loves to work with people and being part of a team.
Since becoming the ACT Health Ambassador Kimberley has been achieving her goal of influencing change, as a member of the ACT Disability Health Strategy Steering Committee and by educating health professionals about the benefits of inclusive communication to improve the health outcomes of people with disability.

Down Syndrome Advisory Network Representative
Lauren Murray
Lauren has completed a certificate in Business Studies and multiple computer courses. She has been employed by Koomarri since 2006 and has worked in a number of other roles. She lives independently, attends a gym several times per week and is an active member of the Wizards Bowling League. Lauren has a positive outlook on life and is willing to challenge herself with new situations.
Lauren sits on the Down Syndrome Advisory Network which provides direct advice to the Down Syndrome Australia Board. DSAN makes sure that Down Syndrome Australia receives direct input from Australians with Down syndrome on issues that affect them.