Education for people with Down syndrome or intellectual disability
The continued education and development of people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities is an important aspect of how we aim to achieve the Associations mission. We are continuing to develop new, innovative and interactive courses and programs to increase capacity and independence in people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities.
Confident Speaker’s

Confident Speaker’s has been operating since 1994 as an informal learning activity. This program teaches the skills and knowledge required to make effective presentations for many different purposes using a range of media. This program is designed for anyone above the age of 15 and is tailored to suit people with an intellectual disability.
Facilitated by David Williams (OA) this program has successfully provided people living with disability the skills and confidence needed to speak not only in social situations but to present information to a large audience.
This is a free group and meets on the last Thursday every month (excluding December and January).
Science Alliance
Science Alliance is a capacity building program designed to address internal barriers that people with intellectual disabilities face in regards to employment and social connectedness with their community through the use of informal science activities. The program aims to improve the participants:
- Independence
- Problem solving skills
- Motivation
- Communication
- Self confidence
- Teamwork skills
- Ability to interact meaningfully with the wider community

Science Alliance is run once a week for 2 hours in 10 week blocks (terms) on a fee for service basis. We currently have two times available for 2023:
- Tuesday evening, 4.00pm – 6.00pm
- Wednesday morning, 10.00am – 12.00pm
If you would like to enquire about enrolling for 2023, please contact the ACTDSA Office.
If you would like to read Dr Vanessa’s thesis, you can download it here.
Numeracy or Everyday Living
Numeracy for Everyday Living is a capacity building program designed to improve numeracy skills in people with disability. The program aims to improve participants understanding and ability to solve basic mathematic problems, with the intent to transfer the skills to every day applications such as:
- Basic addition and subtraction
- Understanding a budget
- Understanding “% off Sales”
- Money – what each note and coin represents
Numeracy for Everyday Living is run once a week for 1.5 hours, in 10 week blocks (terms) on a fee for service basis. We currently have one time available for 2023:
- Monday afternoon, 2.30pm – 4.00pm
If you would like to enquire about enrolling for 2023, please contact the ACTDSA Office.

Speakers’ Corner
This program is based on the successful Confident Speaker’s program and is influenced by the Australian Competency – Apply Communication Skills. Participants will:
- Develop public speaking skills
- Learn the fundamentals of communication
- Practice social communication
This program is for adults 18+ with an intellectual disability who wish to increase their confidence in communicating.
There are currently no sessions for 2023. If you would like to enquire about enrolling for 2023 please contact the ACTDSA Office.

Contact Information
To enquire about any of ACTDSA’s Adult Education Programs, please contact Gemma.
Phone: 02 6290 0656