Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability
Down Syndrome Australia’s role
Down Syndrome Australia’s role throughout the Royal Commission has been to:
- Develop submissions on issue papers that the Disability Royal Commission release that are relevant for people with Down syndrome and the community
- Provide and share information about the Commission to people with Down syndrome and their families
- Provide information to people with Down syndrome and their families about support services available to those who want to share their story
Our Response to the Disability Royal Commission Final Report
In our response to the Disability Royal Commission Final Report , we discuss how we have and will continue to advocate for change in these areas.
Our review focuses on how the DRC recommendations align with our Advocacy Asks in Prenatal screening, Health, NDIS, Education, Employment and Migration.
Read our submission here.
Our Submissions to the Disability Royal Commission
DSA review of whether the Commission Recommendations meet our ‘Advocacy Asks’
Our discussion paper on prenatal screening for Down syndrome
Submission to the Royal Commission on policies affecting temporary residents
Submission to the Royal Commission on Employment
Submission to the Royal Commission on Rights and Attitudes
Submission to the Emergency Planning and Response Issues paper
Submission to the Disability Royal Commission on Health Issues
Submission to the Disability Royal Commission on Education and Learning
For more information:
Disability Royal Commission:
Disability Royal Commission Legal Service:
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations:
Disability Advocacy Network Australia: