Disability Royal Commission News and Events
Here are some of the events and news from the Disability Royal Commission. You can find out more on the Disability Royal Commission website.
Upcoming hearings and community forums
The Royal Commission website provides updates about forums, headings and workshops.
Events may be affected by COVID-19.
You can find out about news and events on the Disability Royal Commission website.
Issues Papers
Issues papers are part of the Disability Royal Commission’s engagement with the community. Responses to issues papers allow the Commission to get feedback on topics from people with a disability as well as other people.
You can find out about the latest Issues papers on the Royal Commission website.
Free National Legal Service
A free national legal service has been set up by National Legal Aid to give information and advice to people who want to tell their story.
More information about the legal service is available here.
Your Story Disability Legal Support provides free legal support to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission
Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy
The Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy states the principles that will guide the Royal Commission in its engagement with people with disability.
You can find out about the Strategy here.
An Easy Read version of the strategy is available here.
Keeping up to date
There are a number of ways to find the latest information about the work of the Disability Royal Commission.
You can subscribe to the Royal Commission mailing list .
You can follow the latest media releases from the Royal Commission.
You can contact the Commission directly.
You can subscribe to the Connect newsletter.