Resources have also been developed for people with Down syndrome and their families to be prepared and informed about hospital stays, building relationships with GPs and decision making.
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Health Toolkit
Access to appropriate care within hospitals and the general health system can be difficult for people with Down syndrome. It is essential to ensure that everyone has access to good quality health care and is supported to access information and make informed health decisions.
Down Syndrome Australia has developed resources to provide evidence-based advice to health professionals to better understand how to support people with Down syndrome within the health system.
Resources have also been developed for people with Down syndrome and their families to be prepared and informed about hospital stays, building relationships with GPs and decision making.
The resources developed by DSA include:
For people with Down syndrome and families
Fact sheet – Hospital stays
Fact sheet – Finding the right General Practitioner
Health record – About me – PDF
Health record – About me – Word
Prenatal testing for Down syndrome
NIPT and Prenatal Screening Fact Sheet
For health professionals and the health setting
Health Screening Tool
Tips for GPs on Prenatal Screening
Fact sheet – Communication tips for health professionals
Post card – Communication tips for health professionals
Poster – Tips for assessing children with Down syndrome
For everyone
Dental Health and Down syndrome
Down syndrome and Mental Health
Down syndrome and dementia
Video – Health and Down syndrome
Other helpful resources
A GP’s and Allied Health Professional’s guide to the NDIS
Fact sheet – MBS item numbers
NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSWCID) – My Health Matters
Voice article – Doctors need to look beyond Down syndrome
Voice article – Resilience in hospital
Short videos on cervical, breast and bowel screening by people with intellectual disability