2021 In Review: Hamish

2021 In Review: Hamish thumbnail.

Today in 2021 In Review, we meet Hamish, a young boy who has demonstrated amazing growth in both his personal and schooling life. Successfully developing the ability to confidently express his ideas, Hamish was recently able to give a ‘book talk’ to his class, which highlighted his exponential growth and personal development. Teachers have commented that Hamish’s book talk was “a joy to witness,” with both his teachers and parents being incredibly proud of him.

Hamish’s family are delighted that Hamish has been able to “showcase his wonderful efforts this year”. His school has been incredibly supportive, and Hamish has had “an outstanding year”. Moving into 2022, Hamish’s school is excited about what the future holds, with the principal remarking, “we can only imagine what his amazing teacher will achieve with him in 2022”. Congratulations to Hamish and his family. We are extremely proud to hear of such wonderful success stories and wish Hamish the best of luck for the years to come.

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