Down Syndrome Queensland is committed to the full participation of people with Down syndrome in the economic and social life of the community. We do this by providing individual and family support based on a model of empowerment, being a source of quality information and resources, sharing our knowledge and experience.

What is advocacy?
Advocacy contributes to democracy in many important ways; it gives a voice to under or mis-represented citizen’s interests, mobilises people to participate in the democratic process, assists in the development of better public policy and ensures governments accountability to citizens. Advocacy leads to social change.
Advocacy supports
The Queensland Disability Advocacy Program funds organisations to deliver advocacy services to Queenslanders with disability, their family members and carers.
The advocacy services help and support people with disability:
- to understand their rights
- to navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and other mainstream services
- in address gaps in support
- to address discrimination, conflict and unfair treatment
- to make informed decisions
- to build capacity to advocate for themselves
- ensure fundamental needs are met
- through legal matters
- with information and referrals to disability support services.
If you need to access Advocacy services, you can contact the Queensland Disability Advocacy service providers listed on the Qld Government Advocacy support pages relevant to your region:
If after contacting a specific advocacy service you still require additional advice, please contact the team at Down Syndrome Queensland on (07) 3356 6655 or send an email to