For People with Intellectual Disabilities

For People with Intellectual Disabilities thumbnail.

Do you, or someone you know, have an intellectual disability?

We are here to support you!

At DSQ, we are committed to assisting people with Down syndrome and their families to create a life that meets their goals and make choices about how to live their lives.

What we do at DSQ

DSQ can help you with:

  • Joining events and making friends
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Information and help

Join our events

We have a range of activities you can get involved in:

  • Social programs
  • Camps
  • Classes
Upcoming events


We can support you to:

  • find a job
  • gain employment skills
Employment program


We have a range of classes to support your learning, including:

  • Skills for Independence
  • Continued Education Program
  • Possibility Pathways Program (to help get a job)
Kids, Youth and Adults programs

Get support

Call us at (07) 3356 6655 or send us an email at

Contact us

Information and resources

There are a range of resources and information that is available for you through our Resources page.
