Prenatal Support

Prenatal Support thumbnail.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

We understand that you may have questions about what it will mean for you and your family to raise a child with Down syndrome or another intellectual disability. Most importantly, your baby will have needs similar to other newborns, and will need your love and care just like any other baby.

DSQ respects the right of families to make decisions appropriate to their own particular beliefs and circumstances. You may find this information helpful if you are considering having prenatal testing or if you have had a test that shows your baby may have or does have Down syndrome or another intellectual disability.

DSQ worked in collaboration with Queensland Health to create a website that brings together information to support healthcare professionals and better enable prospective parents to make informed choices about screening, diagnostic testing, and continuing or terminating a pregnancy. 

You can access the website via this link:

View the Guide for Expectant Parents

Our Support Services team are available to connect if you would like to talk through your questions, or process the many emotions you may be feeling.

Prenatal guides and resources

There are many resources that you may find helpful in the coming months, as you prepare for your baby’s arrival. Our information guides and fact sheets can help to support expectant parents and inform the process of prenatal testing. All of our guides are available in the Resource Hub.

In partnership with the University of Queensland, a survey of healthcare professionals was conducted across Australia to better understand the clinician’s experience of explaining prenatal screening and delivering genetic syndrome diagnoses. This research will be used to improve the parental experience and to inform further resource development. You can read the report here: Clinicians’ Experiences of Explaining Prenatal Screening and Delivering Genetic Syndrome Diagnose

Prenatal Screening website
Prenatal Testing for Down syndrome
NIPT Fact Sheet

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