Family and Peer Support

The Support Services Team at Down Syndrome Queensland provides information, advice, support and advocacy and training for family members and professionals.
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Family and Peer Support

The Support Services Team at Down Syndrome Queensland provides information, advice, support, advocacy and training for individuals with Down syndrome, family members and professionals. They regularly run a range of workshops and webinars on topics relevant across the lifespan, as well as individual consultations.  

The Support Services team have Support Services Officers who each have expertise across various life stages, starting in the prenatal space right through to older adults with Down syndrome. We work with families / caregivers as well as any other person or service connected to a person with Down syndrome. They also work with the person with Down syndrome, providing support and guidance across areas such as employment; goal setting; advocacy; relationships; housing; and health.  

The team focus on providing relevant information and resources, research-based strategies and referrals to additional services as required.  We assist people throughout Queensland and can refer you to a DSQ Peer Supporter or Peer Leader if you’re looking for a more local, lived experience perspective. The Support Services team can be contacted on 07 3356 6655 or email

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