A message from our Advisory Network:
The Advisory Network offers advice, feedback and support to make sure the voice of people with Down syndrome is heard and implemented at Down Syndrome Victoria.
The Advisory Network advises Down Syndrome Victoria about future policy surrounding people with Down syndrome.
The Advisory Network is all about disability rights. For disabled people by disabled people.
We believe that people with Down syndrome deserve to be treated with the same respect as non-disabled people.
We feel strongly about improving the livelihoods of people with Down syndrome by ensuring that we are listened to.
We want our Advisory Network to be a group who help support people with Down syndrome and their families, by working together on issues.
Together we will be supported and heard. We will have a future.
We are inclusive of all ages, sex, gender, race and disabilities.
What is the Advisory Network?
In January 2020 Down Syndrome Victoria was successful in obtaining an NDIA Individual Capacity Building grant to establish the Down Syndrome Advisory Network Victoria. Our Advisory Network members are passionate about developing new ideas, strengthening community understanding of Down syndrome, and advocacy.
The Advisory Network is an integral part of DSV operations and is referred to for matters such as contributing lived experience and expertise to various resources, governance, external partnerships and collaboration, and speaking engagements.
If you have any enquiries or wish to engage the Advisory Network please direct them to 9486 9600 or email advisorynetwork@dsav.asn.au.
Down Syndrome Victoria’s Advisory Network Employees:
Matt O’Neil
I am passionate about my community, and raising awareness about Down syndrome.
I am very excited to be the Chair of our new Advisory Network.
Colby Hickey
I am passionate about politics, writing, news and history. My dream is to help disadvantaged people in the community. I believe that my experiences as a neurodiverse person give me a unique insider perspective into the world around me and how people like me fit into society. I want to advocate for others.
Jenny Bowden
I am passionate about getting people out into the community. I would like to give a voice to people with Down syndrome who need help.
Katherine Mansour
I am passionate about studying, I’m learning new skills every day.
I love being involved in community pursuits and fundraising events designed to raise awareness for Down syndrome.
Keziah Glenane
I am passionate about being able to meet up with groups of friends and provide a voice for my community.
I would like to help people with Down syndrome to get a paid job in the community and live independently.
Emily Porter
I am passionate about being independent and living with my husband in our unit.
I want to help people with a disability, and provide a voice for people with Down syndrome.