The Down Syndrome Victoria Education Program

The Down Syndrome Victoria Education Program thumbnail.

Down Syndrome Victoria believes that all students have the right to an inclusive and equitable education in their local school with their peers, accessing the Victorian curriculum through the provision of reasonable adjustments. The DSV Education Program supports Victorian schools to achieve this.

The Down Syndrome Victoria Education Program offers a wide range of services to teachers, schools and parents to support students with Down syndrome:

Educational professional development

Online webinars delivered in semester one to assist teachers to support students with Down syndrome in their schools. Visit our events page to see what’s on.

Parent webinars

A range of topics are covered throughout the year to assist parents with their child’s school experience. Visit our events page to see what’s on.

Biennial education conference

Expert speakers present current research on a range of educational topics, in particular strategies to include students with an intellectual disability and improve educational outcomes. Information about our 2024 conference can be found here.

Provision of education resources

Development and sharing of relevant resources to meet the needs of parents and teachers.

Phone and email consultations

Phone and email support for parents and education staff.

The Education Support Service

Down Syndrome Victoria offers an Education Support Service (ESS) to primary and secondary schools throughout Victoria. Our ESS is a classroom-based support service for teachers, providing practical assistance and resources to improve learning outcomes for students with Down syndrome and their peers.

DSV receives Department of Education funding to support students in mainstream government schools who are in transition years. Find our registration form here.

What is included in the Education Support Service?

  1. Three school visits (or 9 hours) per year
  2. Email and phone consultation as required
  3. Professional learning for staff
  4. Support provided in areas including:
  • Inclusion
  • Communication
  • Curriculum modification
  • Positive Behaviour Support
  • Student Support Group meetings
  • Specialist resources

View information about the Education Support Service and register here.

Inclusive Education

An inclusive education for children with Down syndrome has many benefits including increased learning opportunities and experiences and growth in interpersonal skills. Some children may face challenges in their learning, but there are many strategies available to support success and our Education Support Team are here to help. Studies indicate that appropriate education delivered in inclusive settings offers the best opportunities for children with Down syndrome. Inclusion in typical classrooms is more likely to produce significant gains in expressive language skills and academic success.

Whether a child is in a mainstream or special school setting, maintaining high expectations of both academic achievement and behaviour will help ensure that a student can reach their full potential. Like all of us, people with Down syndrome tend to conform to the expectations of those around them, and if there is no expectation of success, they are unlikely to be successful.

The choice of the school setting for your child can be a challenging one for parents and there are many factors that can influence this decision. Ultimately families are in the best position to determine the most appropriate educational setting for their child and family, but DSV’s Education Team can help you along the way, so contact us today to discuss your situation.

If you would like to speak with one of our Education Managers please phone 9486 9600 or email

Education Support

Down Syndrome Victoria logo

This page tells you about Down Syndrome Victoria’s Education Support services.


Down Syndrome Victoria has an Education Support Service for schools in Victoria.

A group leader

The Education Support Service means that we can help teachers in the classroom.

Here are some of the things we can help with.

Education support

We help teachers so that they can support students with Down syndrome with their learning.

A male and a female teacher holding books

We train teachers to help parents to work well with their school community.

A school building an an amount of money for funding

We can help children with Down syndrome in mainstream government schools.

We get some funding from the government to do this.

About our Education Support Service

A teacher next to a picture of a school building

Here are things we do as part of the service:

• three school visits per year (9 hours)

• help by email or over the phone

• classroom resources

• help with learning plans and school needs.

School children starting school

We can help when a child moves school:

• from preschool to school

• from primary to secondary school.

The DSV education support brochure

You can see our brochure here:

Education Support service brochure

Growing and learning

Two girls give each other a high five

Children with Down syndrome can learn the same things that children without Down syndrome can learn.

A woman teaching a school aged boy in a classroom

Having an intellectual disability means that learning can be harder and take longer for children with Down syndrome.

Two women shaking hands

There are many things that can be done to help children succeed at school.

Our Education Support Team are here to help.

A woman talks on the phone

You can contact our Education Consultants at Down Syndrome Victoria:


Phone 9486 9600