Workshops & Training

Down Syndrome Victoria offers a range of training sessions for people with Down syndrome, families, and professionals.
Workshops & Training thumbnail.

Down Syndrome Victoria offers a range of training sessions for people with Down syndrome, families, and professionals.

For people with Down syndrome:

Our Pathways to Independence workshops will help you learn skills for a more independent life, including self advocacy, decision making, community connections, staying healthy, and more!

For families:

DSV Training offers a range of topics covering relevant areas for all ages. Whether you are a new parent or have an adult son or daughter with Down syndrome, our training sessions provide information to help you make those all important decisions with your family.

For professionals:

Learn about Down syndrome and how to approach your work with people with Down syndrome, including communication, suitable support and typical needs. Find out what a contemporary life for a person with Down syndrome looks like.

Our speakers include people with Down syndrome, parents and staff. Together they have a vast range of lived experiences to share with you, as well as tips and strategies for working together. Whether you are a health, education, disability or community service, DSV is able to support you with your professional development needs.

For more information:

You can visit our training and events page for more information or contact our Training Manager at

A woman with Down syndrome uses a computer


A man and a woman presenting a workshop

This page tells you about Down Syndrome Victoria’s training and events.

A group leader

We do training and workshops for:

• people with Down syndrome

• families

• professionals.

Here are some of the training events we do.

For people with Down syndrome:

A woman with Down syndrome uses a computer

Our workshops can help with learning about:

• living independently

• self-advocacy

• decision making

• community connections

• staying healthy, and more!

For parents, families and supporters:

A mother with a young daughter

Our workshops and events can help with:

• information about Down syndrome

• information for new parents

• supporting an adult son or daughter with Down syndrome

• and more.

For professionals:

Education support

Our workshops and events can help professionals with:

• learning about Down syndrome

• how to support people with Down syndrome

• understanding needs

• how to communicate

• ideas for how to work together.

How to find out more about Training

Computer screen with news

You can find information about events on our Training and Events webpage.

A woman talks on the phone

You can contact Janice, the Training Manager at Down Syndrome Victoria:


Phone 9486 9600