Health professional support

Health professionals have a critical role to play in assisting people with Down syndrome and their families achieve improved health outcomes.
Health professional support thumbnail.

Health professionals have a critical role to play in assisting people with Down syndrome and their families achieve improved health outcomes. Whilst there are a range of challenges and barriers in the health system which can lead to poor experiences and outcomes, there is good evidence to demonstrate that health outcomes can be improved through aspects such as:

  • Improved communication and engagement strategies with people with Down syndrome
  • Supporting informed decision-making
  • Improved understanding of disability and its contemporary context
  • Collaboratively working with families and support people

Down Syndrome Victoria (DSV) is currently working on a range of projects with health professionals to improve health experiences of people with Down syndrome by increasing skills, knowledge and capacity of health professionals across Victoria, in a range of health settings. DSV can provide health professionals across the full life journey from prenatal and maternity to adulthood with support through training, resources and one on one support.

The lived experience of people with Down syndrome is essential for health professionals to connect in with and an essential part of training and resource development and delivery here at DSV. We have a variety of ways health professionals can connect with lived experience through our Health Ambassadors and Down Syndrome Advisory Network Victoria (DSANVic).

To visit the resources we have on this topic – go to our Resource Hub.

To enquire about training, one on one support, or our Health Ambassadors and DSANVic please email to be connected with the best member of our team to assist with your request.

It should also be noted that DSV provides a wide range of services to family members and people with Down syndrome that health professionals can refer their clients to. For prenatal through to under 18’s refer to Family Support. For 18 years and over refer to Adult Support. Our staff offer families peer support, access to information, resources and can provide one on one support.

Prenatal Chromosomal Screening Pathway

Down Syndrome Victoria’s Prenatal Chromosomal Screening Pathway is a visual flow chart with attached resources to be used by healthcare clinicians in non-directive counselling with their pregnant patients.  It facilitates an unbiased discussion and informed consent of a woman’s screening and diagnostic options during pregnancy. 

More information here

Health Professional Support

A female health professional

This page tells you about Down Syndrome Victoria’s health professional support service.

A man holds thumbs up next to a health icon

Health professionals are important in supporting people with Down syndrome and their families to have good health outcomes.

A woman makes a heart sign and the word 'health'

Here are some things that can improve health for people with Down syndrome:

• communicating well with people with Down syndrome

• supported decision-making

• a better understanding of disability

• working together with families and support people.

A nurse standing in a hospital corridor

We work on projects with health professionals to improve health experiences of people with Down syndrome.

A man with thumbs up and a group pf health professionals

We support health professionals by:

• increasing their skills

• increasing their knowledge about Down syndrome

• making sure that health professionals do the best work they can do.

A group leader

We do this by offering:

• training

• resources

• one on one support.

A young woman with a support team

We know that health professionals need to understand the lived experience of people with Down syndrome.


Health professionals can learn about lived experience by listening to:

• our Health Ambassadors

• our Down Syndrome Advisory Network Victoria (DSANVic).

A computer screen shows the DSA website

You can find our health resources in our Resource Hub.

A doctor treats a girl

Health professionals can refer people with Down syndrome and families to us for support.

• For prenatal support, children and under 18’s, we offer Family Support

• For people 18 years and over, we offer Adult Support.

A woman who supports families

We also help families with:

• peer support

• information

• resources

• one on one support.

A woman talks on the phone

To find out more about:

• our health professional support

• our Health Ambassadors

• our DSANVic


Phone 9486 9600