Adult Support

Adult Support is here to provide support and information to adults with Down syndrome and to their family and friends.
Adult Support thumbnail.

Our Adult Support Manager Debby Fraumano is available to discuss all things 18+, both with adults who have Down syndrome and their supporters. Please contact us on 9486 9600 or email

Adult Support at Down Syndrome Victoria (DSV) aims to support people with Down syndrome and their families through key life stages and transitions. For adults this can include ageing, health, housing, legal issues, and employment, among other things.

Expectations for adults today

Over the past 10 to 20 years the opportunities for adults with Down syndrome to live productive, inclusive and fulfilling lives have become so much greater and the future is looking bright! Social attitudes, government policies and the efforts of young people and their families in forging new pathways, have assisted in ensuring a better future for people with Down syndrome. Due to improvements in medical care, recognition of the benefits of a healthy diet and increased activity, life expectancy for a person with Down syndrome is now an average of 60, and that’s a long time to explore many possibilities.

Independence and choice

Many adults who have Down syndrome are now living more independent lives, in situations of their choosing, with the supports geared to their individual needs. Employment in valued roles; inclusion in sporting activities, clubs, and other recreation; meaningful friendships and relationships, with some choosing to marry, are now goals to strive for. When a person feels valued, has choice, and has opportunities for participation in every day life, their physical and mental health benefits.

How Adult Support can assist you

People with Down syndrome have the capability to lead typical and fulfilling lives. Sometimes a little support or guidance is required and at DSV the most common transition points include:




Legal issues


We can provide you with assistance, information, resources and advice regarding any of these topics, and more. Please get in touch with Debby at

We also hold regular workshops and training sessions, many of which are available online, on a variety of topics. Visit our events page to see what’s coming up.

You might also be interested in our social program for adults, Club21, or our physical activity program, FitSkills21.

Adult Support

Down Syndrome Victoria logo

This page tells you about Down Syndrome Victoria’s Adult Support services.

club21 group photo

We support people with Down syndrome with things that are important at different times in life.

A man holding thumbs up

The way people think about Down syndrome has changed over the years.

People with Down syndrome have choices about how to live their lives.

It is now more possible to live a good life and take part in things that are important to you.

Girl in front of a black brick wall

Down Syndrome Victoria has a support service for adults with Down syndrome.

We also support families.

Here are some of the things we can help with.

An information booklet

We help people with:

• health

• housing

• legal issues

• employment

• ageing.

We can also help with other things that are important to you.

Two women shaking hands

We help by giving people:

• information and advice

• support

• resources.

A man and a woman next to a flip chart

We have workshops and training for people with Down syndrome.

Some of our events are online.

How to find out more about Adult Support

A woman talks on the phone

You can contact Debby Fraumano at Down Syndrome Victoria:


Phone 9486 9600